Rabu, 28 November 2012

Public Service Announcement and Posters

ehmm... pengumuman dan poster o_o

ini adalah pembelajaran yang sebenarnya bisa aku mengerti tetapi ada satu hal yang menghambatku,, yaitu aku tidak pernah bisa menggambar sebuah poster dengan baik dan menarik --__-- ???

 yahh aku memang tidak diciptakan menjadi sebuah pelukis tapi paling tidak aku tahu bentuk dan wujud dan rupa dari pengumuman dan poster ini. heheee

Definition Announcement: A public service announcement is an advertisement that a television or radio station airs for a cause or a charity. They can tout the importance of medical check-ups for children or ask you to donate to the Salvation Army's bellringers.

Public service announcements are not paid advertising. A broadcaster donates the ad time as part of its commitment to serve the public interest.
You'll typically see public service announcements airing during weaker time slots or on stations with less share of the advertising market than their competitors. Stations tend to use these announcements as fillers during commercial breaks.
Some stations make a decision to devote a certain number of ad slots to PSAs, particularly for a campaign that has local impact. In a city with a high teenage pregnancy rate, a Top 40 radio station that is top-ranked with a young audience could air announcements on abstinence or birth control throughout its broadcast day.
While stations have a government mandate to serve the public interest, they are under no requirement to run general PSAs. If a station has a paid commercial to run in a 30 second slot, that ad will get priority over a non-paid announcement.
Definition Poster
a placard or intended for posting in a public place, as for adversiting.

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